I played solo until I figured out the rules, and then I reset everything. I'm going to start a campaign with 3 players who'll attend regularly (me and 2 friends). But I have some other players who might show up once in a while. I'd like to know, from people who've played further into the game by now, what is the best way to handle this? (I might be missing some information that the game reveals later on, about how this should be done.)
Should the three of us "regulars" switch characters periodically to keep all five character decks at the same relative power level? Because what if we're 20 hours in, and another person wants to join? Won't that person be using a weak beginner deck/character?
How weird would it be if different people play some particular character at different times? Like if we have various guest players who join us off and on, and they all use "Tough Guy" because it just happens to be the only character not being used by the players who attend regularly?
Should new/guest players be run through the tutorial before joining in wherever we've left off in the main campaign?
All tips and advice are appreciated! Try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but if there's rules/mechanics I'm just not aware of... I think I might like to know in advance so I can host gatherings that are as fun for the players as possible.
I don't think you bring the influence cards, that you bought, when switching dreamers. Every dreamer's deck stays with him and you have to buy new cards.
I also think the starter decks are capable of competing even if they are not as streamlined.
I’ve researched a little more about this. I understand now, that when switching characters, you keep masks and influence cards you’ve gained. So there’s no power loss, if you want to swap.
However, if you’re adding a new player late in the campaign, wouldn’t they be at a significant power disadvantage, having never acquired masks or influence cards yet? They might even be worse off than that, if they’re picking up a husk of a character’s beginning deck, if some of the beginning cards were sent to the influence market by a previous player who moved away from that character... then it wouldn’t even have 22 to start.
Also, if you’re building a deck based on the original play style of a character, such as specialist being focused on use of progress cards... then you decide to swap to tough guy... you’re bringing all these influence cards that worked great for specialist and mixing them in with the tough guy’s totally different strategy. If you’d started with tough guy, you’d certainly have made different choices about what influence cards you bought all those times. So isn’t swapping going to mix decks in a way that sets you back a bit / ruins the synergy you were working on?